The Lives of Writers

Julia Hannafin [Host: Sara Rauch]

Episode Summary

Sara Rauch interviews Julia Hannafin. Topics include: writing for tv and a podcast, journaling as a kid, the debut novel CASCADE, quiet drama, danger, sharks in the Farallon Islands, predator/prey, desire, gender, place, addiction, time, and more.

Episode Notes

In today's episode of The Lives of Writers, Sara Rauch interviews Julia Hannafin.

Julia Hannafin is the author of the debut novel Cascade (Great Place Books, 2024). They also write for television.

Sara Rauch is the author of the book-length essay XO, from us at Autofocus Books. She’s also the author of the story collection, What Shines from it, from Alternating Current Press. Her book reviews and author interviews have been featured in the LA Review of Books, Newcity Lit, Lambda Literary, The Rumpus, and elsewhere.


Conversation topics include:

-- writing in LA

-- writing for screen and audio

-- journaling as a kid

-- truth in fiction

-- Julia's first novel CASCADE

-- expanding a short story

-- the novel before the "first novel"

-- quiet drama

-- a young narrator with a thread of danger

-- publishing as the first novel by Great Place Books

-- sharks in the Farallon Islands

-- researching the book

-- predator/prey

-- internal/external worlds

-- desire, gender, identity, and place

-- addiction, obsession, and denial

-- time and pressure

-- new work and ghosts


Podcast theme music provided by Mike Nagel, author of Duplex. Here's more of his project: Yeah Yeah Cool Cool.

The Lives of Writers is edited and produced by Michael Wheaton.