The Lives of Writers

Matthew E. Henry

Episode Summary

Michael talks with Matthew E. Henry about teaching high school, becoming drawn to the immediacy of poetry, advanced degrees in poetry and theology and education, a chapbook leading to his first full-length poetry collection, teaching and learning in mostly white educational spaces, a book as a prompt for recurring forms to access content, writing in conversation with the work of Langston Hughes, narrative arc and lyric depth in poetry, sarcasm as a poetic tool, and more.

Episode Notes

Michael talks with Matthew E. Henry about teaching high school, becoming drawn to the immediacy of poetry, advanced degrees in poetry and theology and education, a chapbook leading to his first full-length poetry collection, teaching and learning in mostly white educational spaces, a book as a prompt for recurring forms to access content, writing in conversation with the work of Langston Hughes, narrative arc and lyric depth in poetry, sarcasm as a poetic tool, and more.

Matthew E. Henry is the author of the Colored page (Sundress Publication, 2022), Teaching While Black (Main Street Rag, 2020), and Dust & Ashes (Californios Press, 2020). He has two collections forthcoming in 2023 from New York Quarterly Books and Harbor Editions. MEH is editor-in-chief of The Weight Journal and an associate poetry editor at Pidgeonholes.

Podcast theme: DJ Garlik & Bertholet's "Special Sause" used with permission from Bertholet.