The Lives of Writers

Tucker Leighty-Phillips [Host: Emily Costa]

Episode Summary

Emily Costa interviews Tucker Leighty-Phillips. Topics include: working for an Appalachian arts org, getting a puppy, reading early/writing late, writing short or long, MAYBE THIS IS WHAT I DESERVE (Split/Lip), book promotion, writing childhood, reclaiming past shame, the worst season of Frasier, the tv in your life, and more.

Episode Notes

On today's episode of The Lives of Writers, Emily Costa interviews Tucker Leighty-Phillips.

Tucker Leighty-Phillips is the author of Maybe This Is What I Deserve, which won the 2022 Fiction Chapbook Contest from Split/Lip Press and was published this year. His work has appeared in Smokelong, X-R-A-Y, Wigleaf, HAD, Booth, and elsewhere. 

Emily Costa is the author of Until It Feels Right (Autofocus Books, 2022). Her work can be found in X-R-A-Y, Hobart, Barrelhouse, Wigleaf, and elsewhere. She is currently working on a novel sort of about her father's video store, as well as a book of short stories.


PART ONE, topics include:

-- working for an Appalachian arts and culture organization

-- getting a puppy just after the flood in Kentucky this summer

-- reading earlier but not writing until later

-- traveling around with bands

-- graduating with a BA at 28 and going into an MFA for the stipend

-- Tucker and Emily getting published early on in similar places

-- preferences of writing short or long

-- fun and play


PART TWO, topics include:

-- winding down promotion for Tucker's award-winning chapbook

-- writing childhood and kids in fiction

-- grocery stores and critters sneaking into the book

-- the truths in Tucker's fiction

-- reclaiming past shame

-- correlation/causation of writing and healing


PART THREE, topics include:

-- the media Tucker consumed while writing the stories

--  the worst season of Frasier

-- Columbo and the types of tv shows in your life

-- more about Tucker's work with Appalshop

-- new projects


Podcast theme music provided by Mike Nagel, author of Duplex. Here's more of his project: Yeah Yeah Cool Cool.

The Lives of Writers is edited and produced by Michael Wheaton.